$VEMP Tokenomics

The $VEMP token is the native token for Horizon. It serves as the gas fee token for transactions.


Supply Cap

The token has a fixed maximum supply of 500,000,000 tokens. This cap is immutable and ensures scarcity.

Circulating Supply

As of 8/27/2024, the circulating supply of VEMP is approximately 295,000,000 tokens. For real-time data on the true circulating supply, which accounts for tokens in lockup and vesting contracts, visit our explorer.

Smart Contract

The VEMP token contract is deployed on Arbitrum One. You can view it on Arbiscan here.

Allocation & Distribution

AllocationPercentageToken AmountDistribution
Token Holders46%230,000,000 VEMPCirculating
Node Emissions36%180,000,000 VEMP36 month linear vesting*
VEMP Foundation8%40,000,000 VEMPCirculating
Team5%25,000,000 VEMP3 month cliff, 24 month linear vesting
Airdrop / Marketing / Partnerships5%25,000,000 VEMPCirculating
Total100%500,000,000 VEMP-

*Node emission parameters adjustable via governance.

Horizon Flow

Notable Token Holding Addresses

Team Treasury (Multisig)[address]Ecosystem development funds managed by the VEMP team
Team Unlock Contract[address]Holds team tokens subject to vesting schedule
VEMP Foundation (Multisig)[address]Funds for gasless relayer and grant programs
Foundation Unlock Contract[address]Holds foundation tokens subject to vesting schedule
VEMP Swap Contract[address]1:1 swap contract for token migration
VEMP Staking Contract[address]Holds tokens allocated for staking rewards
Temporary Holding Multisig[address]Holds tokens for upcoming system launches


The $VEMP token is integral to the Horizon ecosystem, serving multiple essential functions:

  1. Gas Fees and Network Security:

    • Used to pay for transaction fees on the network, ensuring efficient processing and preventing spam.
  2. Liquidity and Economic Incentives:

    • Incentivizes users to provide liquidity to VEMP trading pairs, enhancing market depth and stability.
    • Powers yield farming and staking programs, encouraging long-term token holding and network participation.
  3. Governance and Network Evolution:

    • Enables token holders to participate in decentralized governance decisions.
    • Fuels a community-driven grant program for ecosystem development and innovation.

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